My campus library is a perfect place to be... for more reasons than you might think.

I once got so frustrated at a math test that I started crying in the middle of class. After that, I knew something important about myself (that turned out to be entirely wrong.)

Thinking about joining a college honors program? Make sure you know what you’re getting into before saying “yes.” Not all honors programs are created equal.

As a young parent returning to college, I never considered becoming involved on my campus outside of the classroom. But then I realized what a difference it could make.

I know that when I’m stressing about jobs, thinking about my the myriad benefits of my American Honors experience helps me get to sleep. Here are 4 reasons why.

They say the thing you really learn about in the classroom is yourself. In my case, that was weirdly true in a very unexpected way.

When I started community college, I had a hard time making friends. But have no fear! Here’s what I learned about social success at college.

I knew the first class as a small family. We came to know each other’s hopes and dreams, our goals for the future. We were doctors, teachers, engineers in the making.

When my friend asked me, “Why are you taking Women in Europe since 1500?” I had no idea how to answer.

Ivy Tech provided the perfect venue for the President to speak about the role of education and how it impacts our economy. What Ivy Tech provided me, was the perfect venue to start my college career.
