Getting Started...

Here are the important steps to become fully enrolled in the American Honors program at Ivy Tech

Step 1: Log in to Quad  

Step 2: Prove College Readiness

    • Ensure you’ve completed your Ivy Tech application 
        • Confirm your CC ID # with your American Honors admissions officer
    • To start the Honors program, you should place into 100-level math and English courses (or above). You can prove readiness for these courses through your ACT, SAT, PSAT, or Accuplacer scores.
        • Review Ivy Tech's test score placement critreia. (Testing Center info)
        • Have any dual credits from High School? Turn in those transcripts to the Ivy Tech Express Enrollment Center
        • Have AP test scores? Send those to Ivy Tech to get class credit. Check out what you can earn here.
        • Consider taking advantage of the American Honors math & English prep series. (You can access these courses on Quad). 

Step 3: Get Oriented 

Step 4: Plan to Pay for College

Step 5: Confirm your class schedule

    • Log onto web services and verify schedule is correct

 Contact the American Honors Office of Admissions with questions: 317-644-3440.