Academic placement:

  • Placement into college-level English and math is required as an American Honors student before starting the program. Please take Ivy Tech’s placement exam: the Accuplacer. You must sign up 24 hours in advance, and you will receive your scores instantly after you finish. Exams to sign up for are listed below. All American Honors students are expected to be college-ready (target score indicated in parenthesis):
    • Accuplacer Sentence Skills (80+)
    • Accuplacer Reading (76+)
    • Accuplacer Elementary Algebra (74-120)
    • Accuplacer College Level Math (0-85)
  • You can report your Accuplacers directly via email: If your SAT/ACT/AP scores pass you into college-ready courses, we strongly encourage you to still take the math Accuplacer to possibly place into a math higher than College Algebra.
  • If your Accuplacer scores are lower than the target scores indicated above, you may need to take a course to enter the semester fully college-ready. Please report your scores, and your Honors Advisor will help you figure out your next steps.

Course enrollment:

  • You do not need to register for courses at this point through the college campus–as an honors student, you will benefit from a personalized registration process. If you have any questions about course enrollment, email Director of Student Services, Jackie Bello at