Department: Liberal Arts and and social Sciences
- BA Austin College, Sherman, Texas
- MA Austin College, Sherman, Texas
- PhD University of Texas at Austin, Psychology
- Internship and Post-doctoral Fellowship, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Behavioral Pediatrics
- Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
- Arkansas Children's Hospital, Inpatient Liason Director
- Pediatric Psychologist
- Board of Examiners for Psychology
- Chair, Psychology Dominican College, Blauvelt, New York
- Lead Advisor, Phi Theta Kappa
- Interests include: reading, cleaning, watching movies, taking art and graphic design courses
AH Courses taught: Introduction to Psychology
Community Involvement:
- Timmy's Global Health
- The Thirst Project
- Ivy Tech outdoor classroom maintenance
- Homeless
- Group fit instructor