Getting Started...

Here are the important steps to get you fully enrolled in the American Honors program at Mercer

Step 1: Log in to Quad  

    • Important: Meet with your American Honors advisor to  complete your degree plan and register for classes. (Schedule your meeting in Quad)
    • Complete the “Quad 101” Orientation Course

Step 2: Prove College Readiness

    • Ensure you’ve completed your Mercer application 
        • Confirm your CC ID # with your American Honors admissions officer
    • To start the Honors program, you should place into 100-level math and English courses (or above).
        • You can prove readiness for these courses through your ACT, SAT, PSAT, or Compass scores. 
        • Review Mercer's test score placement criteria (Testing Center info)
        • Consider taking advantage of the American Honors math & English prep series (you can access these courses on Quad)

Step 3: Get Oriented 

    • Attend an American Honors new student orientation (register here)
    • New to Mercer? Attend Mercer's new student orientation (register here)
    • Attend an American Honors Admitted Students Event (optional, but we'll send you info via email)

Step 4: Plan to Pay for College

Step 5: Confirm your class schedule


Contact the American Honors Office of Admissions with questions: 609-770-6128