When I first found out about the honors program, I thought I was under qualified. I almost didn’t apply. That would have been a huge mistake.

They say the thing you really learn about in the classroom is yourself. In my case, that was weirdly true in a very unexpected way.

What can you do when you have to pay for college entirely on your own? Here are 5 things you can do when your parents can’t help.

College today is a heck of a lot different than the experience parents might have had. Registering in person? Handwritten papers? No GIF-laden study distractions?! Things sure were different.

When I started community college, I had a hard time making friends. But have no fear! Here’s what I learned about social success at college.

I knew the first class as a small family. We came to know each other’s hopes and dreams, our goals for the future. We were doctors, teachers, engineers in the making.

If you’re not applying to the right scholarships, the right way, then you’re leaving money on the table. But first, you need to find them.

When my friend asked me, “Why are you taking Women in Europe since 1500?” I had no idea how to answer.

Applying to scholarships takes time, but it’s an investment well worth the effort! Before you begin to apply for scholarships you’ll need to get a few things in order first.

Yes, tuition is high. Yes, the student debt crisis is real. No, that doesn’t mean you need to graduate “debt free.”
