Recent research shows it’s time to rethink what we thought we knew about this critical group of students.

Schmooze has a bad rap. But American Honors advisor Nick Geremia says that schmooze, when done right, is the key to success.

With everything it takes to apply to college, why does it feel like you’re mostly just… waiting? Don’t let that downtime go to waste! Here are some of the worst of the application doldrums, and what you can do about them.

College can be stressful and at American Honors, we know that! We’ve been there before and want to help you out during this transition. Whether you're a seasoned pro or are just heading to college, here are 10 things we wish we knew before starting college.

The move from high school to college can be tough. That’s true for everyone, but contrary to common belief, high-achieving students often have unique problems of their own.
