My name is Jessica McQuarrie, and I did something everyone told me not to do: I took a day trip to New York City. Alone. And what I found inspired me.

No one ever explains what “researching colleges” actually means. Luckily, you’ve got this 10 step guide to help you.

There's not as much time as you think. Junior year is the perfect time to start prepping and planning for college application success. Here are 10 things every high school junior should be doing now.

Sometimes your test score reflects more than just what you know about the material. Knowing how to take the test, and how to prepare, can be just as important as the material itself.

Recent research shows it’s time to rethink what we thought we knew about this critical group of students.

Some of the most talented students don't get the best educational opportunities. The reasons why that's true are complicated, but promising new findings suggest it may be easier (and cheaper) to fix than anyone previously thought possible.

Energy drinks, a laptop, a locked door, and a long list of college applications. Think you’ve perfected the application process? Think again.

My name is Libby Keller, and this is the story of how I didn’t let my fears stop me from pursuing my dreams. Trust me, it’s much easier said than done.

Whether you’re facing down finals or are about to retake the ACT or SAT, test anxiety can seriously hurt your performance if you don’t keep it in check. Check out these vital tips to keep you calm, cool, and collected during your big tests.

Weren’t things just easier junior year? With college application pressure looming, it certainly feels like it. If you’re facing down your final year of high school (along with a billion questions from your family about college), these 9 moments will be all too familiar.
